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Who am I to start a blog?

Hello, right now I am writing to absolutely no one so, in a way, I am really only writing for myself and that is the goal for this blog. I want this to be a safe place for creativity to flourish and to record some of my experiences as I try to figure out what it means to just live.

To start off, I want to warn everyone that I am not a writer but hey, that's what practice is for right? I am also not a photographer but I will try to post photos when I manage to capture something that catches my eye. Now that we got that out of the way let me introduce myself. I go by Bri and I am currently a college student studying health science with a nutrition concentration. I hope to one day have a career as a registered dietitian but there is some time until that will happen. I also am interested in environmental studies but sadly will not be able to finish a minor in this subject if I want to graduate on time. Both of these subjects play a big part in my hobbies and passions. I discovered that I love healthy eating and cooking when I was vegan for a couple of years and had to learn how to sustain this diet for myself. I also enjoy exercise and nature so one of my favorite combinations of these is hiking, but yoga is probably my second favorite form of exercise. Finally, I love to read and travel.

I think I will definitely write an entire post about my ideas about veganism. I want to talk about my experience, why I did it, some pros and cons, tips on how to eat vegan, recipes, and some of the environmental and ethical reasons for veganism. I hope to be able to write more educated posts about nutrition as I continue my degree but at this point I can only give personal experience on the topic so my advice should not be used instead of a professional opinion.

For the exercise and outdoors portion of my blog, I want to share some of my favorite hikes and hiking stories but I also want to use this as a platform to motivate me to begin my fitness journey. I used to play volleyball in high school but I was not good enough to play in college and my shoulder is pretty messed up. Now, I try to stay as active as possible with hiking, yoga, and going to my school's gym but I want to work on getting more comfortable in gyms. I want to know how to use the equipment and how to create workout plans for myself. Hopefully, this can inspire other people to do the same or maybe those who have already made that step can help some of us newbies out a bit.

Another idea I have that I think would be fun is to write some reviews about my favorite books. I love to read and for a few years in middle school I used to get into trouble for reading too much. I would lose track of time and stay up reading on school nights then I would wake up exhausted but satisfied because I had finished yet another book. This is not as much of a problem because school takes up a good amount of my time. Maybe having a blog will motivate me to get back into reading for pleasure.

Finally, I am going to write about some of my travel experiences. I have already done a fair bit of traveling and I can definitely talk about some of those experiences such as studying abroad in Germany during high school, traveling to Costa Rica, and a college spring break trip to Canada, which got a little wild (don't tell my parents). I also want to focus on my future travel plans. My next trip will be to London and maybe a few other places for spring break this year. hopefully, by then, I will have a few people who are actually interested and reading my posts.

Now I have a job for anyone who might read this. Follow along with me and share your thoughts. My goal is not only to work on writing down my thoughts but to help build a community of incredible people who can connect here. I want to hear how everyone just lives.

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